Designing drugs against cancer drug resistance


Drug resistance leads to >85% of cancer mortality.

But, we don’t have treatments for these patients…

  1. Mapping resistance mechanisms has historically taken decades of laborious research per drug.

  2. Most identified genomic drivers of drug resistance are present in a small number of patients.

Resistant cells rewire cellular dynamics to evade drug effects.


Rewired cells have unique vulnarabilities that are druggable.

We Leverage treatment resistance against the tumor.

  1. Resistant tumors harbor highly specific mechanistic changes that can be targeted with small molecules.

  2. Many seemingly independent resistant populations share a limited set of common resistance mechanisms.

  3. Targeting those resistance mechanisms reveals new treatment opportunities for large populations lacking alternative options.


ResCuETM is the first AI platform to identify druggable vulnerabilites induced by tumor resistance mechanisms.

ResCuETM harmonizes cancer-specific proteomic maps and drug response readouts to unravel how rare genomic alterations converge onto common resistance mechanisms.

Genomically defining resistance mechanisms allow us to leverage the principles of synthetic lethality to directly and selectively target drug resistant tumors.

We design the next generation of precision medicine drugs for treatment resistant patients with no therapeutic alternatives.


Overcoming the bottlenecks of drugging treatment resistance.


Cost-effective mapping of major market opportunities


Clinically assayable resistance biomarkers


Druggable targets with progressable chemical matter

Partner with us

We are actively looking for leading pharma and biotech collaborators to battle resistance with us.

  1. Co-development partnerships.

  2. Target discovery to overcome resistance to clinical compounds.

  3. Prioritization of combinations for developmental compounds.

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